A tour of one of Pennsylvania's most beautiful homes.
29 December 2008
In defense of the "fat tax"
Is this just another way the government is becoming a nanny state and trampling on personal freedoms or is it important legislation that addresses a public health issue that costs billions every year?
How does this compare with the Pennsylvania public smoking ban?
'The upside of downward mobility'
"The U.S. now offers its citizens a smaller chance of rising from their economic status at birth than do France, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Canada, and Germany."
28 December 2008
26 December 2008
"Please excuse me for being late to class, I was busy preventing heart disease"
New research has shown that hours spent sleeping has a direct correlation to risk for coronary artery disease. For each additional hour of sleep, the risk of calcification of the coronary arteries decreased by 33 percent -- an outcome equal to reducing blood pressure by 16 point elevations. This held true even when confounding factors, such as age, race, cholesterol level, and other possible risk factors were controlled. So, the next time you get in trouble for oversleeping, I'd say that this is a pretty good excuse.
American suburbia abroad
Wouldn't Usonai, Prairie School, and Organic Architecture have been nicer exports?
XKCD: Google Trends
"Obama has been writing Lincoln/Obama erotic fan fiction on his secret live journal. Excerpt: Lincoln lay back on the bed, nude save for his trademark stovepipe hat. 'Tell me,' he purred seductively, as he and Obama formed a more perfect union. 'When you come, is it 10% ethanol?'"
RNC candidate distributes "Barack the Magic Negro"
From the song:
“See, real black men, like Snoop Dog, or me, or Farrakhan, have talked the talk, and walked the walk, not come in late and won”
24 December 2008
Warning: beware of... snow globes?
23 December 2008
22 December 2008
Now you too can get shoes worthy of chucking at a President
In this time of great international economic strife, at least this Turkish company has been able to tap into the Zeitgeist and instigate demand. In fact, Baydan has hired one hundred new staff members to cope with a sudden surge in novelty demand.
In other news, the brother of the shoe lobber is angry he says that Baydan and others are trying to capitalize on the situation and that his brother's shoes were in fact made in Iraq.
Fill your tank . . . at Burger King
Forbes investigative journalism on the prowl:
For a time, Beverly Hills doctor Craig Alan Bittner turned the fat he removed from patients into biodiesel that fueled his Ford SUV and his girlfriend's Lincoln Navigator.
Love handles can power a car? Frighteningly, yes. Fat--whether animal or vegetable--contains triglycerides that can be extracted and turned into diesel.
Speed camera pwnage
Students at one Maryland high school have been printing up fake license plates with numbers of teachers or peers that they have it out for, attaching said "plate" to their car, and then speeding through camera traps. The mark gets a $40 fine in the mail.
The practice has brought into public discourse the problems of the photo system and its accuracy. Looks like high school students have once again found a way to pwn the system. Here's to creativity, and license plate fonts for the fifty nifty United States.
20 December 2008
Bristol Palin's mother-in-law-to-be arrested
Bristol Palin's baby dady's momma was recently arrested on drug charges. The warrant resulted from an "undercover investigation" that "had been going on for a while."
Apparently you can throw a stone in Alaska and hit a meth lab.
Alaska Governor Sarah Palin's office "won't have any comment" as "this is not a state government matter."
Photo borrowed without intent to return from CNN.
19 December 2008
Well that would certainly explain the headache...
Benign brain tumors are fairly common in newborns. Usually it requires surgery in the first few days of life, and is actually fairly simple- open up, remove tumor, close up. In newborns, most tumors are made up of undifferentiated, disorganized stem cells. In the case of this child, however, the cells seemed to be quite organized. Organized into a foot. That's right, this baby had a foot in it's brain. Doctor's have not yet confirmed whether this foot is an extremely rare, highly differentiated stem cell tumor, or if it belonged to the baby's twin who just did not fully develop and was engulfed (another very rare incidence) by the fully developed baby. Either way, I would have liked to see the face of the neurosurgeon who opened up the brain when a foot popped out. For those of you who are concerned, the child is recovering well from his foot-ectomy.
18 December 2008
Of police and pot brownies
It smells like.... MEAT?

Cocktail: Rob Roy

A tasty classic suitable for any drinking man's repertoire. It's basically a Manhattan with Scotch. Personally, I find it to be better sans bitters, but to each his own.
Cigar is also optional.2 oz Scotch WhiskyHarrington suggested during summer "on the rocks. In the winter, up." Bitters are optional here.
1/2 oz Sweet Vermouth
If a plane takes off heading east at 60 mph, and a cow. . .
Now, before I seem like the cruelest human being in the world. I'm posting this because the cow gets hit by a plane - and then, apparently gets up and starts grazing like nothing ever happened.
Full Story at MSNBC
17 December 2008
Let Your Font Save the World
This open-source font was designed by Europeans to use 20% less ink than a typical san serif font. That way you can waste 20% more paper for very little additional cost!
15 December 2008
Computer can see what you see
Scientists managed to convert electrical impulses from the brain into images on a computer screen. Is this scary? Is this awesome? Is this scary awesome? I don't know, but I think that debate can wait until we have more than a few grainy pixels that form a letter.
Courtesy of SlipperyBrick
14 December 2008
Iraqi Journalist Tweeks, Chucks Shoe at President
During a suprise trip to Iraq, President Bush was confronted by an Iraqi journalist who wished to give him a "Goodbye Kiss".
Someone should probably tell him that American's don't usually kiss by throwing shoes.
UPDATE: BBC has video
13 December 2008
The Reverend Wrote a Blag
Fear and Loathing in the 21st Century
Check out my blog. Latest post: Shitty fantasy television shows and Darth Vader getting pwned by the Tokyo Police.
Since many bloggers here have a connection to LVC...
"A Georgia judge threw the book at Brian Nichols on Saturday, giving him four consecutive sentences of life without parole for a 2005 shooting rampage that started in an Atlanta courthouse.
'I'm giving you the maximum -- every day I could give you. If I could give you more, I would,' Superior Court Judge James Bodiford told Nichols.
Bodiford gave Nichols the maximum sentence on all the non-murder charges, and ordered them to be served consecutively.
Those terms ranged from five years for escape to life for armed robbery. Other charges included aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, robbery by force, theft by taking, hijacking a motor vehicle and false imprisonment."
12 December 2008
XKCD: Wood Chips
Sometimes prank wars get unnecessarily complicated.
"You didn't run a chemical test against the Shroud of Turin? Man, all that work for NOTHING."
11 December 2008
Prison Night At The Good Ole' Hockey Game?
Read more about it here
....after the game happens, if I can find pictures.... I will follow up with a new post featuring them.
09 December 2008
Fran Drescher for Senate
Drescher spokesman Jordan Brown told CNN in a written statement late Monday:
"Fran Drescher, actress, women's health advocate and public diplomacy envoy for the U.S. State Department, announced that she is throwing her hat into the ring of contenders for the senate seat being vacated by Secretary of State-designate Hillary Rodham Clinton,"But CNN's description is better:
Drescher, 51, is best known for her starring role in the 1990s television comedy "The Nanny" and an adenoidal voice that could strip the rust off an engine block — a talent that might come in handy during a Senate filibuster.
Illionois Gov. Blagojevich in Federal custody
Today the FBI has arrested Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich for conspiring to gain financial advantage from his duty to appoint Senator Obama's replacement.
A 76-page affidavit from the United States Attorney’s office in Northern Illinois says Mr. Blagojevich was heard on wiretaps over the last month planning to “sell or trade Illinois’ United States Senate seat vacated by Pres-elect Barack Obama for financial and personal benefits for himself and his wife.”
From the newly-remortgaged New York Times
08 December 2008
the perfect christmas present for anyone on your list
At a loss for what to get your parent, friend or "lover" for Christmas this year? How about Chlamydia? Yup, that's right- GiantMicrobes has come to rescue for all you challenged gift givers out there and released a line of plush dolls shaped like microbes, ranging from the common cold to ebola, and for those of you who are feeling a little kinkier, herpes to "the clap." The microbes come with a magnified picture of the real microbe, along with an imformation packet on the disease it causes. So, I don't know about you guys, but all I want for Christmas this year is Gonorrhea. Or maybe some fat cells. Or maybe C. Diff. I just can't decide!!
Sport Utility Alter Call
This Weekend a major Detroit church parked SUVs by the altar and asked the congregation to pray over them. The move was to ask God's help in the lives of countless auto workers in Michigan whose livelihoods may depend on a automaker bailout this week in congress.
While I appreciate the sentiment, I imagine most parishioners did not require a visual aid to know what an automobile is.
07 December 2008
Your pesticides are shrinking my son's junk
Many [chemicals] have been identified as "endocrine disrupters" – or gender-benders – because they interfere with hormones. These include phthalates, used in food wrapping, cosmetics and baby powders among other applications; flame retardants in furniture and electrical goods; PCBs, a now banned group of substances still widespread in food and the environment; and many pesticides.
Feminisation of the males of numerous vertebrate species is now a widespread occurrence. All vertebrates have similar sex hormone receptors, which have been conserved in evolution. Therefore, observations in one species may serve to highlight pollution issues of concern for other vertebrates, including humans.Some British fish have even been developing eggs in their testes.... Ach, Scheiße!
06 December 2008
New, salt flavored twizzlers?
Who'da thunk?? Low-sodium foods from soup to salad dressing have been around for a while, and we all know how important low-sodium diets are to people with or at risk for heart disease. However, some very unexpected foods are quite high in sodium. Here's a partial list:
Twizzlers: Nearly twice the sodium of a serving of salted peanuts
Prego Heart Smart Traditional Italian Sauce: 4x the sodium of a serving of salted peanuts
Kraft Snackables cheddar and monterrey jack cheese cubes: Nearly 3x the sodium of a serving of salted peanuts
Amazingly, a serving a Planter's salted peanuts has quite a reasonable amount of sodium per serving. The New York Times has some more detail.
Bottom line- it's important to know what you are eating, and there is only one way to do that:
ALWAYS read the label!
Click here for the Mayo Clinic's recommendations on sodium intake, and recommendations on how to decrease yours if it's too high.
03 December 2008
Japanese win space beer race
The Russians may have been first in space, and the Americans the first to the moon, but the Japanese are the first to make space beer - beer brewed with barley grown on the International Space Station.
Unfortunately, only 100 liters of the extraterrestrial elixir were produced and they are only available for a limited sampling in Japan.
Via Gizmodo
Photo gratuitously lifted from Gizmodo who ostensibly borrowed it from AFP without intent to return.
Make your own bacon-flavored vodka
Because who doesn't want bacon-flavored vodka?
Photo blatantly ripped off of Brownie Points.Bacon Vodka
makes up one pint
Fry up three strips of bacon.
Add cooked bacon to a clean pint sized mason jar. Trim the ends of the bacon if they are too tall to fit in the jar. Or you could go hog wild and just pile in a bunch of fried up bacon scraps. Optional: add crushed black peppercorns.
Fill the jar up with vodka. Cap and place in a dark cupboard for at least three weeks. That’s right- I didn’t refrigerate it.
At the end of the three week resting period, place the bacon vodka in the freezer to solidify the fats. Strain out the fats through a coffee filter to yield a clear filtered pale yellow bacon vodka.Decant into decorative bottles and enjoy.
The Empire State Building has been stolen!
The New York Daily News has stolen the Empire State Building.
"And it wasn't that hard"
Don't worry, they gave it back.
photo graciously borrowed from the NYDN
US interrogator found better way
When so many others were bending and breaking the rules, using a Gitmo interrogation style, one US Air Force interrogator in Iraq preferred to play by the rules, get a little creative, and get results. Without using torture, he managed to get information critical in leading to the death of Zarqawi. In this article, originally in the Washington Post, he gives some insight on the war and American conduct in Iraq. An excerpt:
I learned in Iraq that the No. 1 reason foreign fighters flocked there to fight were the abuses carried out at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo...The number of U.S. soldiers who have died because of our torture policy will never be definitively known, but it is fair to say that it is close to the number of lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001. How anyone can say that torture keeps Americans safe is beyond me -- unless you don't count American soldiers as Americans.Via The Liberator Magazine.
02 December 2008
Impeachment ornament selected for White House holiday tree
One of the ornaments selected for the Fraser Fir in the White House Blue Room includes statements by various Congressmen advocating impeachment of the White House's occupants.
Laura Bush asked members of Congress to have local artists create ornaments. Washington State's Jim McDermott chose artist Deborah Lawrence.
"I was at first nauseated, then realized it was an opportunity," said Lawrence, 55, who frequently combines politics and satire in her work and saw this as the perfect way "to highlight Jim McDermott because he's a hero of mine."More on the ornery ornament.
Photo courtesy Deborah Lawrence
01 December 2008
Pentagon deploying more troops inside US
The Pentagon is deploying 20,000 uniformed US soldiers within the country. The troop deployment is part of an expansion of the Department of Defense's role in homeland security.
The move has civil liberties advocates on edge and there is talk of a possible conflict with the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878. The law, enacted following the Reconstruction, severely restricts the ability of uniformed military personnel to act as law enforcement on non-federal land.
Image courtesy of Getty
Bush apologizes... sorta
It seems as though President Bush has kind of apologized for screwing up the economy and the War in Iraq.
Some gems:
Reflections on the Bush II Presidency, courtesy of the man himself."I wish the intelligence had been different, I guess," Bush added.
"That is a do-over that I can't do," Bush said.
Photo courtesy of AP
26 November 2008
What, no Kwanzaadan?
"A picture of a Christmas tree is not the first thing you would expect to see on an invitation to an event celebrating Hanukkah, but that is exactly what recipients of invitations to this year's White House Hanukkah reception initially got in the mail.
The invitation sent to American Jewish leaders on behalf of the President and First Lady, requesting "the pleasure of your company at a Hanukkah reception," bore an image of a Clydesdale horse-drawn cart, carrying the White House Christmas tree, with a Christmas wreath-adorned White House in the background."
Wow, George... wow.
Israel bans press from Gaza Strip
25 November 2008
Eliminate AIDS in ten years for a few billion
Granted, there were a lot of assumptions, but it's an exciting possibility.
Of course it was in Kentucky
That's special.
Hold it in or suffer the consequences

A 13 year old Florida male was arrested for "breaking wind" and disrupting class....
.... now that stinks!
24 November 2008
This was just a piano in the woods
Any piano, big or small, is a piano after all...
This one happened to be in the middle of the woods... in Massachusetts... and in tune.
The answer is just out of reach.
23 November 2008
NBC kills environmental show during "Green Week"
Green is universal indeed.
22 November 2008
Sarah Palin interviewed while turkeys slaughtered
Thanksgiving Tip
Make this year a winner: Turbaconducken
That's right, why roast a turkey when you can take down Old MacDonald's entire farm. Who, honestly could resist a whole chicken, wrapped in bacon stuffed inside an entire duck, which also happens to be wrapped in bacon and stuffed inside a turkey, you guessed it, wrapped in bacon. This thirty pound, thirty one thousand three hundred eighty seven calorie delight can be yours with a quick trip to the grocery store and an utter lack of shame.
Thanks to our friends at Bacon Today: step-by-step instructions.
Now, if only we could figure out how to deep-fry this bad boy. . .
19 November 2008
18 November 2008
a sandwich. Yes, a sandwich.
The man and his girlfriend were in the car driving on I-95 when he allegedly hit her in the arm and face with a sandwich. Investigation continues...
A Surprising Note on All Things Political and Gay...
What is most interesting, to my mind, is that there was a marked shift away, by percentage, from the Democrats, to the Republicans...among the gays. Not really surprising to me, that. We had the most gay-friendly Republican ticket in history. But also of note is the fact that Obama did several things to hurt himself among the gay community.
Tastes like Chicken.
In other news, Poland is not coming to any state dinners anytime soon:
"Have you heard that Obama may have a Polish connection? His grandfather ate a Polish missionary," said Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski.
Apparently he was only giving an example of a racist joke. Thanks for the education, I had no idea what racism was.
Yar, Pirates!
Pirates of the Indian Ocean hijacked a huge tanker and are trying to take it back to Somalia. They swashbuckled their way into what is easily the biggest heist on the high seas ever. Yar.
Actually, that's 100 million dollars worth of oil, you should seriously give that back.
17 November 2008
$21 million to repair doomsday
"Fixing the world's largest atom smasher will cost at least 25 million francs ($21 million) and may take until early summer, its operator said Monday.
The atom smasher operates at temperatures colder than outer space to get maximum efficiency and experts needed to gradually warm the damaged section to better assess it, he said.
That will show on a tiny scale what happened one-trillionth of a second after the so-called Big Bang, which many scientists theorize was the massive explosion that formed the universe. The theory holds that the universe was rapidly cooling at that stage and matter was changing rapidly."
Making the picture cloudy

16 November 2008
13 November 2008
Is that what I think it is?

Yup - it totally is...
President George W. Bush is flashing the "shocker" with the 2008 NCAA sports champions.
Another addition to the list of speculation on autism...
12 November 2008
The Amazing Sounds of Failing Hard Drive
The sounds that 35 different types of hard drives make as they slowly die.
Additional commentary at Slashdot.
10 November 2008
50 Thinks you might not know about the President - Elect
- He likes Spiderman
- He owns a set of red boxing gloves autographed by Muhammad Ali.
- His favourite drink is black forest berry iced tea.
- His desk in his Senate office once belonged to Robert Kennedy.
- Daughter Malia's godmother is Jesse Jackson's daughter Santita.
This takes "Change we can believe in" to a WHOLE new level
This election has given us many firsts- first black president, first female on the Republican ticket, etc. Well, I have just found out about another one. Silverton, Oregon has elected the nation's first ever openly transgendered mayor. Stu Rasmussen has been a fixture in Silverton politics for a while now, and actually served two terms as mayor in the past- before he became a she. Amazingly, he doesn't see any of the attention as warranted. He sees being open about his transgendered-ness as "blackmail-proof" saying that because his appearance was no secret, the race could be dominated by the issues that really matter.
No XKCD today
I wasn't really impressed with today's XKCD. Instead, please enjoy this Toothpaste for Dinner comic.
Remember that bombing in Pakistan thing?
Apparently, we're already doing that.
Way to go, Obama - giving away the Bush Administration's play book.
09 November 2008
A cure for HIV?
For years, researchers have known that some people are immune to HIV due to a genetic mutation in their cell membranes. More recently a German physician replaced the bone marrow of an HIV patient with bone marrow from a person with the mutation. Two years later, the HIV is gone.
that is one HOT first lady
photo available here
07 November 2008
Change.gov comes online
Have a question? Looking for a job in the Obama Administration? Change.gov has the answers.
Interestingly, the content is copyrighted by the Obama-Biden Transition Project, a 501C(4) organization. It seems they were planning and prepared for victory.
For additional commentary, check out Slashdot.
Bad Dog

We now have the most high profile case for the dog whisperer....