17 August 2008

Wind Power Makes People Angry

John Yancey is enraged that his father allowed wind turbines to be built on their land. He admits it is good, clean energy being pumped into the grid, and doesn't even mind the $6,600 per year he receives for EACH turbine on his family's land.

"Dad taught us such respect for the land. For my father to be part of this ..." His voice trails off and he shakes his head and walks away.

Uhmm... Mr. Yancey, I think your father has a lot of respect for the land. Your turbines are creating clean energy without harm to the land around them. Sure the 'woosh' is loud, but I live in the city and I've gotten used to the loud music of my neighbors. It would be no different than living next to a highway or any number of other things man, or naturally created that produce sound. You simply adjust.

Simply put, what a d-bag.

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